Friday, April 29, 2011

Flight Scholarship Deadline Sunday!

REMINDER: The Lewis Flight Scholarship deadline is this Sunday, May 1, 2011. The scholarship is being offered by the Pacific Region HQ.

The Flight Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Colonel Edwin W. Lewis, a 56-year member of Civil Air Patrol. At the time of his death he was the Director of Operations for the Pacific Region, Civil Air Patrol. He was a “pilot’s pilot” with vast knowledge of aviation from Cessna 0-1 Bird Dog’s to Boeing 747s.

The purpose of the scholarship is to introduce a Civil Air Patrol Cadet to the wonders of flight. The funds from this scholarship will be used only for initial aviation flight training and no other purpose. The amount of the scholarship is determined each year. It has been $1,000 for the past two years.

The deadline for applying for this scholarship each year is May 1. If you are interested, please print out a copy of the application form and follow the directions.

The application can be found on PCR's website, here --

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flight Scholarship Deadline This Week!

REMINDER: The Lewis Flight Scholarship deadline is this Sunday, May 1, 2011. The scholarship is being offered by the Pacific Region HQ.

The Flight Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Colonel Edwin W. Lewis, a 56-year member of Civil Air Patrol. At the time of his death he was the Director of Operations for the Pacific Region, Civil Air Patrol. He was a “pilot’s pilot” with vast knowledge of aviation from Cessna 0-1 Bird Dog’s to Boeing 747s.

The purpose of the scholarship is to introduce a Civil Air Patrol Cadet to the wonders of flight. The funds from this scholarship will be used only for initial aviation flight training and no other purpose. The amount of the scholarship is determined each year. It has been $1,000 for the past two years.

The deadline for applying for this scholarship each year is May 1. If you are interested, please print out a copy of the application form and follow the directions.

The application can be found on PCR's website, here --

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flight Scholarship Deadline May 1

Cadets can earn money to pursue flying through the Col. Edwin W. Lewis, Jr. Flight Scholarship being offered by the Pacific Region HQ.

The Flight Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Colonel Edwin W. Lewis, a 56-year member of Civil Air Patrol. At the time of his death he was the Director of Operations for the Pacific Region, Civil Air Patrol. He was a “pilot’s pilot” with vast knowledge of aviation from Cessna 0-1 Bird Dog’s to Boeing 747s.

The purpose of the scholarship is to introduce a Civil Air Patrol Cadet to the wonders of flight. The funds from this scholarship will be used only for initial aviation flight training and no other purpose. The amount of the scholarship is determined each year. It has been $1,000 for the past two years.

The deadline for applying for this scholarship each year is May 1. If you are interested, please print out a copy of the application form and follow the directions.

The application can be found on PCR's website, here --

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Group Awards Nomination Deadline in June

All nominations for Inland Empire Group 3 "of the year" awards are due by 30 June 2011. Awards will be presented at the group's annual awards dinner, which is being planned for July.

Big Bear unit in newspaper

Big Bear Squadron 6750 is featured in their town paper this week. Check it out!

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