Captain Casem was a Korean War Veteran, serving in the U. S. Army, 6th Infantry Army band from 1952 through 1954, where he played the clarinet. He was honorably discharged in 1954. His decorations are the National Defense ribbon and the Army honorable service ribbon. Capt. Casem was a musician and an educator. He became a member of March Field Composite Squadron 45 in August 2008.
While serving SQ. 45 as an assistant Aerospace Officer and assistant Testing Officer he received the Membership Ribbon, the Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Award, Red Service ribbon and a First Find ribbon. He enjoyed his time with the Civil Air Patrol, looked forward to the meetings and events, and will be very much missed by all who knew him.
Memorial services were held on Friday, August 12th led by Captain Robert Harris, CAP, led a memorial service.
The family is encouraging people to make a donation to the Riverside Dickens Festival (P.O. Box 113, Riverside CA 92592-0113) in memory of Ed Casem. This is a cultural event Capt. Casem really enjoyed and looked forward to each year.
-Sq. 45-