Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Members Awarded Disaster Relief Ribbon with "V" Device

As a result of the several days of continuous rains in the Inland Empire during the week prior to Christmas 2010, Corona Municipal Airport, which is located within the Prado Flood Control Basin, became severely flooded causing extensive damage to property at the location and sparking a rapid evacuation of the airport and some several hundred aircraft. A request was received for Civil Air Patrol assistance from the City of Corona and the Corona Airport Management which was funneled through the Riverside County Regional Emergency Operations Centers and the California Emergency Management Agency. California Wing (CAWG) Civil Air Patrol was tasked with providing immediate assistance with evacuations as well as post-flood recovery clean up.

A total of 43 members from CAWG Groups 1, 3, 4, and 7 responded from distances as far north as Bakersfield and Santa Barbara, to as far south as San Diego. This assistance spanned a period of 17 days resulting in hundreds of man hours devoted to the recovery efforts. On Wednesday, 26 January 2011, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced Presidential Declaration 2011-1952 declaring multiple counties within California, disaster areas. As a result on 29 January 2011, CAWG Commander Col. Ken Parris issued Personnel Authorization # 11-04, awarding all 43 members the Disaster Relief Ribbon with the Presidential V device.

Text courtesy Squadron 20 website.