On Monday, May 30, 2011 in San Dimas, Calif., Majs. Cathy Neubauer and Karen Nahrstadt, senior members and Character Development Instructors at March Air Reserve Base Squadron 45, received the highest senior professional development award given by the Civil Air Patrol, the Gill Robb Wilson Award. They were presented the coveted awards by Regional Commander, Colonel Larry F. Myrick and National Commander Brigadier General Amy S. Courter at a reception held after the annual Gill Robb Wilson Memorial Event held at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Among the Guests in attendance was Reverend Jill Denison Paulson, a Presbyterian minister and the granddaughter of Gill Robb Wilson, the founder of the Civil Air Patrol. The special presentation was attended by over 200 CAP Officers and Cadets and guests.
The Gill Robb Wilson Award is Civil Air Patrol’s (CAP) highest award for senior member professional development. It recognizes senior members who have dedicated themselves to leadership and personal development in the CAP. This award was first given in 1964 and honors the late Gill Robb Wilson. He is regarded as the founder of Civil Air Patrol, and served as Cap's first executive officer. As Cap's premiere award for senior member professional development, the Gill Robb Wilson Award should be presented by an Air Force or CAP general officer, an elected state or federal official, or other distinguished person.
When asked about the award, Nahrstadt who's husband, a CAP Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jack R. Nahrstadt, now diseased, was also a recipient of the same award said, "I know that Jack would be proud of me."
Gill Robb Wilson (1893-1966) was an aviator and journalist born in Clarion County, Pa. A Presbyterian minister as well as an early private pilot, he advocated military preparedness and became New Jersey's director of aviation in 1930. He was the first executive officer of the Civil Air Patrol. During World War II he was a correspondent for the Herald Tribune.
Rev. Paulson, said that she was very proud of those Civil Air Patrol members who have achieved and received the Wilson award.
PHOTO: After the reception, 17 Wilson recipients including Majs. Neubaur and Nahrstadt gathered together in front of the California Wing Gill Robb Wilson plaque of honor for a picture with Rev. Paulson.
Capt. Robert Harris, PAO, Sq. 45