Chino Cadet Sq. 20 hosts volunteers for Planes of Fame Airshow and USAF Guided Evaluation.
(Chino, Calif.) - With a weather forecast calling for weekend rain, a showmanship of teamwork was on display as 116 Calif. Wing cadets and senior members from 16 different squadrons assembled at Chino Cadet Squadron 20 to volunteer at the Planes of Fame Chino Airshow Friday, May 13 through Sunday, May 15, 2011.
Many of Civil Air Patrol’s weekend volunteers took teamwork to a whole new level as they traded their airshow duties to participate in the Guided Evaluation of California Wing by the US Air Force—an event that was concurrent with the Chino Planes of Fame Airshow.
Logistically a challenge, Group 3 Inland Empire, and Civil Air Patrol Airshow Capt. Chris Mattson and Capt. Paul Saba led by example as they worked through the process of their team stretching their wings in service, at both the Airshow and the Guided Evaluation.
In reference to this challenge Activity Commander and Capt. Chris Mattson states, “The challenge of staffing the airshow while having to simultaneously provide staffing and support to the USAF Guided Evaluation was definitely one of the biggest challenges I have had to face in a long time. Having worked and being in charge of this airshow for many years I can definitely say it would not have been possible without the seamlessly fluid transition of events and teamwork displayed by all of the Civil Air Patrol members at the event. This by far has been the best cadet and senior staff I have ever worked with. Without the amazing teamwork displayed by each and every individual these challenges would have been hard to face. At the close of the event on Sunday I was personally thanked by the airshow coordinator who stated this year was “the smoothest ever” in terms of Civil Air Patrol’s support.”
Likewise, the cadet staff exemplified the ideals of Civil Air Patrol leadership under the command of Cadet Capt. Daniel Friesen who successfully led the charge for a combination of work detail and fun. Cadets were tasked with parking, crowd control, flight line, mess hall, and hot ramp clearance detail. Fun included attending the airshow, a personal tour of the F-15 for a few, a friendly game of football, BCUT radio class, CPR training, and pie from Major Dave Goude’s Yucaipa Bakery—all helped to make for an amazing Civil Air Patrol experience at the Planes of Fame Airshow.
Teamwork, when at its best is like a well-oiled machine, and Cadet Commander Capt. Daniel Friesen in an interview about his team at the Chino Planes of Fame Airshow said, “We had cadets come from San Diego, San Francisco Bay Area, and everywhere in between. I could not have asked for a better group of cadets, and the teamwork they exhibited was second to none. For example, when the Airshow asked us to cover a new section without any prior warning, we were able to get two flights in that area within 15 minutes. This was only possible due to the amazing teamwork shown by the cadet staff and cadet participants.”
Teamwork is an essential component for any organization to function at an optimal level. Way to go cadets and senior members of the Calif. Wing for allowing Civil Air Patrol to shine through great teamwork!
1st Lt. Michelle Black, Public Affairs
Chino Cadet Squadron 20